Our Rock Crusher
Self-Sustaining Limestone Rock Quarry
As a provider of superior limestone products, we ensure quality by crushing our own rocks.
At Pontotoc Sand and Stone, we have our own rock quarry based in Pontotoc, Oklahoma, making our limestone production completely self-sustainable. With our limestone crushing equipment, we crush rocks onsite to get the desired type of limestone. By crushing our own rocks, we ensure our products are always high quality.
Our rock crusher can create any type of limestone, from chips to rip rap. Our limestone products help in a variety of projects, including road construction and shoreline protection.
Check out our facilities in Missouri and Oklahoma.
Want to know more about our rock crushing process?
Rock crushers break rocks into smaller pieces to make gravel, improve a road, or apply rock to a building.
Our rock crushers have five main parts:
To create finer rocks, we put the rocks through a crusher two or three times, depending on the kind of limestone we’re making.
Our limestone crusher creates a wide range of limestone products, including:
Limestone chippings are a popular base layer for roadways. While some roads and driveways have soil that withstands the weight of constant traffic, most roadways have sand or clay as their base. With these roadways, a sub-base is needed to drain water and level out concrete and asphalt—which is where chipped limestone comes in.
This type of limestone is angular and can be packed very tightly with little to no dust, making it the perfect material for base structures, building foundations, and road construction.
You can also mix limestone gravel with cement to make concrete you can use as a strong aggregate.
Our quarry crushing equipment also creates limestone screenings, which is the material left over when we separate limestone rocks. This material ranges from thin dust to irregular rocks. There are many benefits to using our limestone screenings, including:
Limestone rip rap is used to create sea walls that protect properties and homes close to shore. It has the strength to absorb runoff water from the ocean while simultaneously pushing water away from the property.
You can also use rip rap to build jetties that protect a coastline from the current. Limestone rip rap jetties also protect boat docks and swimming areas.
Our rock crusher also makes crushed limestone aggregate. Pontotoc’s aggregates range from three-quarter-inch to four-inch bases, and you can use them for piping projects, structure building, or foundation laying.
We make our crushed limestone through a mechanical process instead of using limestone made from weathering. This process gets rid of dirt and debris that weathering typically causes.
Our crushed limestone has endless uses, including:
This versatile material simplifies your construction projects because you can use it in many different ways. Crushed limestone is also an excellent material for glass, art, and roofing projects.
The possibilities are endless with our crushed limestone.
At Pontotoc, we prioritize the ethics and safety of our rock crushing process. Our professionals crush limestone onsite with rocks sourced from our own quarry, so our rock crushing process is a closed loop.
By completing the process by ourselves, we ensure everything is done ethically. We also control our process with industry best practices and mine safety regulations to protect everyone onsite. Click the link below to continue reading about our rock crushing safety procedures.